Conferences and Workshops
J. Freixas. Algunas consideraciones estructurales de los juegos de votación dicotómicos. JTSV8: VIII Jornadas de trabajo sobre sistemas de votación. Soria, Spain. From 10/05/2024 to 11/05/2024.
X. Molinero, J. Freixas and M. Tàpies. Analitical study on typeface visual identification. COMPLEXIS2024: Complexity in Informatics and Networking, Complexity in Biology and Medical Emgineering. Angers, France. From 28/04/2024 to 29/04/2024.
J. Freixas and X. Molinero. An aggregation rule under uncertainty based on the normal distribution. ICORES2024: International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems. Rome, Italy. From 24/02/2024 to 26/02/2024.
X. Molinero, J. Freixas and M. Albareda. Metrics for simple non-weighted voting games from inequality systems. ICORES2024: International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems. Rome, Italy. From 24/02/2024 to 26/02/2024.
J. Freixas, R. Hoerl and W.S. Zwicker. Axiomatic foundations of the scale-invariant Hirsh citation index. AMS2024: Joint Mathematics Meetings (Special Session on the Mathematics of Decisions, Elections, and Games I). San Francisco, California, USA. From 03/01/2024 to 06/01/2024.
J. Freixas. Valores en contextos de cooperación con varias alternativas ordenadas. SEIO2023: XL Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y las XIV Jornadas de Estadística Pública. Elx, Spain. From 07/11/2023 to 10/11/2023.
J. Freixas. On appropriate ordered weighted averages for the aggregation of scores under uncertainty. EUSFLAT2023: 13th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology. Palma de Mallorca, Spain. From 04/09/2023 to 08/09/2023.
J. Freixas. An aggregation rule under uncertainty. DECON2023: 5th International Conference on Decision Economics. Gumaraes, Portugal. From 12/07/2023 to 14/07/2023.
J. Freixas and D. Samaniego. Dimension of a significant sub-class of anonymous simple games with several levels of approval. IFORS2023: The 23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies. Santiago, Chile. From 10/07/2023 to 14/07/2023.
J. Freixas. On the difficulties in extending concepts of voting and cooperation when there are more than two ordered alternatives. 18th European Meeting on Game Theory. Messina, Italy. From 26/06/2023 to 28/06/2023.
J. Freixas and D. Samaniego. Dimension of anonymous simple games with several levels of approval and one minimal winning coalition. 18th European Meeting on Game Theory. Messina, Italy. From 26/06/2023 to 28/06/2023.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero and D. Samaniego. Counting how weightedness is a simple game restricted to their weighted players. 36th European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, ECCOXXXVI. Chania, Greece. From 11/05/2023 to 14/05/2023.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero and D. Samaniego. Combinatorial techniques in the enumeration of Boolean functions. 36th European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, ECCOXXXVI. Chania, Greece. From 11/05/2023 to 14/05/2023.
J. Freixas. On the search of an optimal tie-breaking system for sport competitions with a large number of participants. ODS2022: International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science 2022 . Florence, Italy. From 30/08/2022 to 02/09/2022.
J. Freixas. A method of aggregating judges' scores based on the binomial distribution. EURO 2022: 32nd European Conference on Operational Research. Espoo, Finland. Page: 247. From 03/07/2022 to 06/07/2022.
J. Freixas and D. Samaniego. On the structure of anonymous voting games with abstention. EURO 2022: 32nd European Conference on Operational Research. Espoo, Finland. Page: 270. From 03/07/2022 to 06/07/2022.
J. Freixas. On variants of ordered weighted averages as tiebreaker systems in sport competitions. XXXIX Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Granada, Spain. Page: 222. From 07/06/2022 to 10/06/2022.
J. Freixas and D. Samaniego. On the search for a convincing power index. XXXIX Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Granada, Spain. Page: 278. From 07/06/2022 to 10/06/2022.
J. Freixas. A new tiebreaking method for chess and other sports. VII Annual Wroclaw Quantitative Methods of Group Decision Making seminar. Wroclaw School of Banking. Wroclaw, Poland. From 26/11/2021 to 26/11/2021.
J. Freixas and D. Samaniego. On majority voting rules. Presented in the invited session of the Stream Game Theory, Solutions and Structures V, in the XXXI European Conference on Operational Research. Athens, Greece. From 11/07/2021 to 14/07/2021.
J. Freixas and D. Samaniego. On majority voting rules with abstention. 16th European Meeting of Game Theory. Granada, Spain. From 30/06/2021 to 02/07/2021.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. A mathematical perspective on how test-type exams are evaluated. Book of abstracts of the 19th Conference on Applied Mathematics, APLIMAT 2020. Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Page 56. From 04/02/2020 to 06/02/2020.
J. Freixas, R. Hoerl and W. Zwicker. A citation index based on a discrete version of the Nash bargaining problem. International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science and XLIX Annual Meeting of AIRO – Italian Operations Research Society. Genoa, Italy. Page 12. From 04/09/2019 to 07/09/2019.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. The notion of criticality in (3,2)-games. 15th European Meeting on Game Theory-SING15. Turku, Finland. Page 9. From 02/07/2019 to 04/07/2019.
J. Freixas, R. Hoerl and W. Zwicker. On scale-invariant citation indices. 15th European Meeting on Game Theory-SING15. Turku, Finland. From 02/07/2019 to 04/07/2019.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. Extending power indices to (3,2)-games. EURO2019, 30th European Conference on Operational Research. Glasgow, Scotland, UK. Page 78. From 23/06/2019 to 25/06/2019.
J. Freixas. How to properly grade test type exams. VIII International Congress on Education and Learning. Porto, Portugal. From 19/06/2019 to 21/06/2019.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. Caracterización de ciertas funciones de mayoría con múltiples alternativas. VI Jornadas de Trabajo sobre Sistemas de Votación. Valdeavellano de Tera, Soria, Spain. From 03/05/2019 to 04/05/2019.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. All power rankings are achievable in basic weighted games. The fourth Seminar on Quantitative methods of group decisión making (edition autumn 2018). Wroclaw School of Banking. Wroclaw, Poland. From 23/11/2018 to 24/11/2018.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. A unified approach for power indices. The fourth Seminar on Quantitative methods of group decisión making (edition Autumn 2018). Wroclaw School of Banking. Wroclaw, Poland. From 23/11/2018 to 24/11/2018.
J. Freixas. Extension and characterization of majority decision in a multiple-input and multiple-output. EURO2018, 29th European Conference on Operational Research. Page 111. Valencia, Spain. From 08/07/2018 to 11/07/2018.
J. Freixas and M. Pons: On the curious relationship between anonymous and weighted voting games. SING1414th Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory. Pages 49-50. Bayreuth, Alemania. From 08/07/2018 to 11/07/2018.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. An axiomatic characterization of simple majority rule and extension to broader contexts. SING1414th Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory. Page 23. Bayreuth, Alemania. From 08/07/2018 to 11/07/2018.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. How to extend and characterize simple majority rule when several degrees of support are allowed to voters? XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. XI Jornadas de Estadística Pública. Pages: 124-125. Oviedo, Spain. From 29/05/2018 to 01/06/2018.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. Enumerating anonymous voting systems. XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. XI Jornadas de Estadística Pública. Pages: 188. Oviedo, Spain. From 29/05/2018 to 01/06/2018.
J. Freixas. On the bargaining procedure of the Shapley value. Quantitative methods of group decision making. Page 1. Wroclaw School of Banking, Poland. Wroclaw, Poland. From 23/11/2017 to 25/11/2017.
G. Bernardi and J. Freixas. Two power indices for games with abstention. SING13, 13th European Meeting on Game Theory. Paris Dauphine University. Paris, France. From 5/7/2017 to 7/7/2017.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. Group decision functions as extensions of simple games. The 24th International Conference on Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM 2017). Ottawa, Canada. From 9/7/2017 to 14/7/2017.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. On May's theorem extension for anonymous voting rules. Quantitative methods of group decision making. Page 2. Wroclaw School of Banking. Wroclaw, Poland. From 25/11/2016 to 26/11/2016.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas and A. Magaña. Dimension, egalitarianism and decisiveness of European voting systems. Workshop on Game Theory in honor of Gianfranco Gambarelli. Bergamo, Italy. 21/10/2016.
J. Freixas. Some contributions and variants on the Dedekind’s problem. 29th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization. Pages: 29-30. Budapest, Hungary. From 26/05/2016 to 28/05/2016.
J. Freixas, W. Zwicker. An approach on citation indices. Advances in Decision Making. Page 3. Milano, Italy. From 03/02/2016 to 04/02/2016.
J. Freixas, M. Pons and W. Zwicker. Scale-invariant citation indices. Workshop on Game Theory and Social Choice (GAM-SOC). Page 4. Budapest, Hungary. From 11/12/2015 to 12/12/2015.
J. Freixas. On the search of Nash equilibrium in manipulable (j,k)-voting systems. Workshop on Game Theory and Social Choice (GAM-SOC). Page 3. Budapest, Hungary. From 11/12/2015 to 12/12/2015.
J. Freixas. Power when games are manipulable. Quantitative methods of group decision making. Page 2. Wroclaw School of Banking. Wroclaw, Poland. From 20/11/2015 to 21/11/2015.
J. Freixas. Tactical vote in committees with applications al decision-making. EURO2015, 27th European Conference on Operational Research. Page 74. Glasgow, Scotland. UK. From 12/07/2015 to 15/07/2015.
J. Freixas, M. Pons and N. Smirnova. On the search of fair score systems al evaluate some sport competitions. EURO2015, 27th European Conference on Operational Research. Page 286. Glasgow, Scotland, UK. From12/07/2015 to 15/07/2015.
J. Freixas, M. Pons and N. Smirnova. On scoring systems and combinations of them al evaluate athletes’ performances. SING11-GTM2015, European Meeting of Game Theory. Pages: 61-62. Saint Petersburg, Russia. From 08/07/2015 to 10/07/2015.
J. Freixas and Montserrat Pons. Components with higher and lower risk in a reliability system. International Conference on Risk Analysis ICRA6 and RISK 2015 Conference. Pages: 319-327. Barcelona. From 26/05/2015 to 29/05/2015.
J. Freixas. On the possibility of manipulation in games with multiple levels of approval. The 2015 Meeting of the European Public Choice Society (EPCS-2015). Page 22. Groningen, the Netherlands. From 06/04/2015 to 10/04/2015.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. Comparison of success and decisiveness in binary voting systems. Barcelona Graduate School of Economics Winter Workshops 2014: Microeconomics workshop. Barcelona. 15/12/2014.
J. Freixas and S. Kurz. Fibonacci Sequences and the Golden Number in Voting Systems. Sixteenth International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and their Applications. Page 23. Rochester, NY state, USA. From 20/07/2014 to 26/07/2014.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. The representativeness reliability importance measure. 18th International Conference on Systems (part of CSCC’14) Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Systems. Pages: 52-56. Santorini, Greece. From 17/07/2014 to 21/07/2014.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. A comparative study of success and decisiveness. 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies. IFORS 2014. Page 178. Barcelona. From 13/07/2014 to 18/07/2014.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. What is essential in measuring power and what is not? SING10, the 10th Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory. Page 44. Krakow, Poland. From 07/07/2014 to 09/07/2014.
V. Fragnelli, J. Freixas, M. Pons and L. Sanmiquel. Some measures al evaluate the importance of factors in a process. SING10, the 10th Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory. Page: 43-44. Krakow, Poland. From 07/07/2014 to 09/07/2014.
J. Freixas and X. Molinero. New results for separating systems. 3rd SMTDA - Stochastic Modeling Tecniques and Data Analysis International Conference. Book of abstracts, Page 64. Lisbon, Portugal. From 11/06/2014 to 14/06/2014.
J. Freixas and X. Molinero. Tolerances of strict separating systems. OPT-i – 1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization. Page: 1. Kos, Greece. From 04/06/2014 to 06/06/2014.
J. Freixas, S. Kaniowsky. The minimum sum representation as an index of voting power. EPCS 2014 - European Public Choice Society Meeting. Cambridge, England, UK. Pages: 1-22. From: 03/04/2014 to 06/04/2014.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. Similarities and differences between success and decisiveness. CoopMAS2014 (the 5th Workshop on cooperative games in multiagent systems) and AAMAS2014 (13th international conference on autonomous agents and multiagent systems), 15 pages. Paris, France. From 05/05/2014 to 06/05/2014.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. About the measurement of success of participants in decision-making. APMOD 2014: International Conference on Applied Mathematical Optimization and Modelling. Page: 109. Warwick, England, UK. From 09/04/2014 to 11/04/2014.
J. Freixas. Some problems of daily life Del the perspective of game theory. GDRR 2013: Third Symposium on Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk. Page: 28. Kinsale, Ireland, UK. From 08/07/2013 to 10/07/2013.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. A new reliability importance measure for components in a system. 26th European Conference on Operational Research. Page: 406. Rome, Italy. From 01/07/2013 to 04/07/2013.
J. Freixas. On the qualitative inverse problem for voting rules with abstention. Game Theory at the universities of Milano, GT@UM(III). Page: 7. Milano, Italy. From 23/05/2013 to 24/05/2013.
J. Freixas. Voting games with abstention: linking completeness, weightedness and power theories. AMS special session on the mathematics of decisions, elections, and games, II. Joint Mathematics Meetings. Page: 186. San Diego, USA. From 09/01/2013 to 12/01/2013.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. Variations in strict separating systems representing a linearly separable function. 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming. Page: 216. Berlin, Germany. From 19/08/2012 to 24/08/2012.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Success versus decisiveness. 8th Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory. Page: 7. Budapest, Hungary. From 16/07/2012 to 18/07/2012.
C. Bertini, J. Freixas, G. Gambarelli, I. Stach. Some open problems in power indices. 8th Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory. Page: 7. Budapest, Hungary. From 16/07/2012 to 18/07/2012.
J. Freixas, S. Kurz. Enumerations of voting systems: Fibonacci sequences and the gold number. 25th European Conference on Operational Research. Page: 61. Vilnius, Lithuania. From 8/07/2012 to 11/07/2012.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Success and decisiveness on symmetric games. 25th European Conference on Operational Research. Page: 61. Vilnius, Lithuania. From 8/07/2012 to 11/07/2012.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Situations in which success and decisiveness behave opposite. Models of collusion, games and decisions for applications al judging, selling and voting. Page: 19. Monte Isola, Italy. From 18/06/2012 to 19/06/2012.
C. Bertini, J. Freixas, G. Gambarelli, I. Stach. Comparing power indices. Models of collusion, games and decisions for applications al judging, selling and voting. Page: 10. Monte Isola, Italy. From 18/06/2012 to 19/06/2012.
J. Freixas. Enumerations of voting systems: Fibonacci sequences and the golden number. XXXIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y VII Jornadas de Estadística Pública. Page: 111. Madrid, Spain. From 17/04/2012 to 20/04/2012.
J. Freixas, S Kurz. Finding extremal voting systems via integer linear programming. Dagstuhl-Seminar Computation and Incentives in Social Choice, Wadern, Germany. From 4/03/2012 to 9/03/2012.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Evaluation of the incidence of causes in systems with incomplete data. International Conference on Operations Research 2011. Page: X-24. Zurich, Switzerland. From 30/08/2011 to 02/09/2011.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Quantifying the importance of causes in complex systems without complete data. 7th Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory Research Societies. Page: 16. Paris, France. From 18/07/2011 to 20/07/2011.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Pairwise comparison between voters in a simple game. 7th Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory Research Societies. Pages: 14-14. Paris, France. From 18/07/2011 to 20/07/2011.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. Relative errors of strict separating systems. 9th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies. Page: 111. Melbourne, Australia. From 10/07/2011 to 15/07/2011.
J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. Structural importance measures on consecutive expansions of k-out-of-n systems. The 14th Conference of the Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA2011). Page: 56. Rome, Italy. From 07/06/2011 to 10/06/2011.
J. Freixas, S. Kurz. On minimal integer representations of weighted games. 24th European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, ECCOXXIV. Page: 56. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. From 30/05/2011 to 01/06/2011.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Structural importance measures in reliability systems and power indices for simple games. Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk 2011. Document 17. Belgirate, Italy. Del 19/05/2011 al 21/05/2011.
J. Freixas. Ordinal equivalence of power indices. Voting Power in Practice Symposium, 9th Annual Workshop. Document 36. London, England, UK. From 20/03/2011 to 22/03/2011.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. On the generalized decisiveness of decisive symmetric games. XXXII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y VI Jornadas de Estadística Pública. Pages: 1-18 (ISBN: 978-84-693-6152-8). A Coruña, Spain. From 14/09/2010 to 17/09/2010.
J.M. Alonso-Meijide, J. Freixas, X. Molinero. On the use of generating functions al compute power indices based on minimal winning coalitions. International Conference on Operations Research 2010. Page: 49. München, Germany. From 01/09/2010 to 03/09/2010.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Measuring the importance of components in a system. The 16-th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry. Page: 110. Wuppertal, Germany. From 26/07/2010 to 30/07/2010.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Computation of structural importance measures for multi-level reliability systems. The 16-th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry. Page: 76. Wuppertal, Germany. From 26/07/2010 to 30/07/2010.
J. Freixas, D. Palacios. Probabilistic power indices for games with abstention. 24th European Conference on Operational Research and Management. Page: 295. Lisbon, Portugal. From 11/07/2010 to 14/07/2010.
J. Freixas, D. Marciniak. Egalitarian property of power indices. 24th European Conference on Operational Research and Management. Page: 295. Lisbon, Portugal. From 11/07/2010 to 14/07/2010.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Ordinally equivalent power indices. Fourth International Conference on Game Theory and Management, GTM 2010. Page: 53. Saint Petersburg, Russia. From 28/06/2010 to 30/06/2010.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero, M. Olsen, M.J. Serna. Completeness on simple games. Fourth International Conference on Game Theory and Management, GTM 2010. Pages: 140–142. Saint Petersburg, Russia. From 28/06/2010 to 30/06/2010.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. On maximum bounds for the tolerance and greatest tolerance of strict separating systems. European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, ECCOXXIII2010. Page: 51. Málaga, Spain. From 27/05/2010 to 29/05/2010.
J. Freixas, D. Palacios. Power indices for games with abstention with probabilistic interpretation. Computational Foundations of Social Choice, 10101 Seminar. Dagstuhl, Germany. From 7/03/2010 to 12/03/2010.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. Maximum tolerance and maximum greatest tolerance. Second International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, ICAART 2010. Pages 67–68. Valencia, Spain. From 22/01/2010 to 24/01/2010.
J. Freixas, D. Marciniak, X. Molinero, M. Pons. On the ordinal equivalence of power indices. Mathematics Joint Meetings and 116th Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society. Page: 83. San Francisco, CA, USA. From 13/01/2010 to 16/01/2010.
J. Freixas, D. Marciniak, M. Pons. On the ranking coincidence of some values for cooperative games. XL Annual Conference Italian Operational Research Society. Decision and Optimization Models for Evaluation and Management. Pages: 77–78. Siena, Italy. From 8/09/2009 to 11/09/2009.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. Reliability of self-dual k-out-of-n systems. 16th International Congress on Mathematical Physics. Page: 70. Prague, Czech Republic. From 3/08/2009 to 8/08/2009.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. On the influence of the node criticality relation on circuit and mechanics systems. 16th International Congress on Mathematical Physics. Page: 69. Prague, Czech Republic. From 3/08/2009 to 8/08/2009.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. Maximum tolerance and maximum greatest tolerance of strict separating systems. 23rd European Conference on Operational Research. Page: 274. Bonn, Germany. From 05/07/2009 to 08/07/2009.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. On the ordinal equivalence of values in cooperative games. 23rd European Conference on Operational Research. Page: 44. Bonn, Germany. From 05/07/2009 to 08/07/2009.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Pre-orderings in voting simple games. Third International Conference on Game Theory and Management. Pages: 71-72. Saint Petersburg, Russia. From 25/06/2009 to 27/06/2009.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. Measures of Voting Power: Counting of power indices and paradoxes. Third International Conference on Game Theory and Management. Pages: 69-70. Saint Petersburg, Russia. From 25/06/2009 to 27/06/2009.
J. Freixas, D. Marciniak. On dimension and codimension for simple games. Third International Conference on Game Theory and Management. Pages: 67-68. Saint Petersburg, Russia. From 25/06/2009 to 27/06/2009.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. A note about decisive symmetric games. New Topics on Game Theory, Sevilla International Workshop. Page: 20. Sevilla, Spain. From 01/04/2009 to 02/04/2009.
J. Freixas y D. Marciniak. Minimum dimension and codimension for simple games. 31th Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y V Jornadas de Estadística Pública. Page: 105. Murcia, Spain. From 10/02/2009 to 13/02/2009.
J. Freixas, D. Marciniak. A minimum dimensional class for simple games. International Conference on Operations Research and Global Business. Page: 214. Augsburg, Germany. From 03/09/2008 to 05/09/2008.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Hierarchies achievable in simple games. Third World Congress of the Game Theory Society. Page: 12. Evanston, Illinois; USA. From 13/07/2008 to 17/07/2008.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Some hints on finding the most important component is a system. The 15th Biennial Conference on the European Consortium. Pages: 80-81. London, England, UK. From 30/06/2008 to 04/07/2008.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. A new method al check whether a simple game is weighted. Second International Conference on Game Theory and Management. Pages: 55-57. Saint Petersburg, Russia. From 26/06/2008 to 27/06/2008.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Hierarchies achievable in simple games. Second International Conference on Game Theory and Management. Pages: 58-59. Saint Petersburg, Russia. From 26/06/2008 to 27/06/2008.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. Weighted integer realizations for linear simple games with two types of voters. International Workshop on Operations Research. Page: 127. Móstoles, Spain. From 05/06/2008 to 07/06/2008.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. A Fibonacci sequence for linear structures with two types of components. Applied Mathematical Programming and Modelling, 2008. Page 18. Bratislava, Eslovaquia. From 28/05/2008 to 31/05/2008.
J. Freixas, W. Zwicker. Anonymous voting games with multiple levels of approval: classification and counting. Mathematics Joint Meetings and 114th Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society. Page: 206. San Diego, CA; USA. From 05/01/2008 to 09/01/2008.
J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. Structural importance measures for complete expansion of k-out-of-n systems. XXX Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y IV Jornadas de Estadística Pública. Page: 139. Valladolid, Spain. From 25/09/2007 to 28/09/2007.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. Some tests al count paradoxes of power indices. XXX Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y IV Jornadas de Estadística Pública. Pages: 90-91. Valladolid, Spain. From 25/09/2007 to 28/09/2007.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. A way al find optimal persuadable voters in a voting system. 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Page: 451. Zurich, Switzerland. From 16/07/2007 to 20/07/2007.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. A note about self-dual k-out-of-n systems. 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Page: 443. Zurich, Switzerland. From 16/07/2007 to 20/07/2007.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero, S. Roura. Minimal representations for majority games. Computation and Logic in the Real World. Pages: 297-306. Siena, Italy. From 18/06/2007 to 23/06/2007.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. Several classes of simple games based on the ordinal equivalence. 22nd European Conference on Operational Research. Page: 207. Prague, Czech Republic. From 08/07/2007 to 11/07/2007.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. The donation paradox of power indices: classification and counting. III Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting On Game Theory and VII Spanish Meeting Meeting On Game Theory. Page: 66. Madrid, Spain. From 04/06/2007 to 06/06/2007.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. On the frequency of the donation paradox for power indices in weighted simple games. Simulation and other quantitative approaches al the assessment of electoral systems. Page: 128. Alessandria, Italy. From 04/06/2007 to 05/06/2007.
J. Freixas, W. Zwicker. The mathematics of not voting. First Joint Meeting of the Seaway and Metro Sections of the Mathematical Association of America. Pages: 2-3. Poughkeepsie, NY; USA. From 13/10/2006 to 14/10/2006.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. On the convenience of keeping the component reliability at a level greater than one half. Safety and Reliability for Managing Risk, ESREL 2006. Páginas: 1577-1581. Estoril, Portugal. From 18/09/2006 to 22/09/2006.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. Minimal integer representations for weighted voting systems. Applied Mathematical Programming and Modelling 2006. Page: 42. Madrid, Spain. From 18/06/2006 to 21/06/2006.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. On the donation paradox for the Shapley-Shubik index for ternary voting games. Second Spain Italy Netherlands meeting on Game Theory and XVI Italian Meeting on Game theory and Applications. Page: 62. Foggia, Italy. From 15/06/2006 to 17/06/2006.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. Some advances in the theory of voting systems based on experimental algorithms. Fifth international workshop in experimental algorithms. Pages: 73-84. Menorca, Spain. From 24/05/2006 to 27/05/2006.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. On the election of optimal persuadable voters. XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Pages: 553-554. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain. From 15/05/2006 to 19/05/2006.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas y M.A. Puente. On the convenience of keeping components at a level greater than one half. XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Páginas: 551-552. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain. From 15/05/2006 to 19/05/2006.
J. Freixas, M. Pons, M.A. Puente. Algunas aportaciones de la teoría de juegos. Jornada de Investigación EPSEM. Pages: 31-32. Manresa, Spain. From 21/04/2006 to 21/04/2006.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. On the reliability of self-dual k-out-of-n systems. I Congresso de Estatística Investigaçao Operacional da Galiza e Norte de Portugal, VII Congreso Galego de Estadística e Investigación de Operacións. Pages: 1-6. Guimaraes, Portugal. From 26/10/2005 to 28/10/2005.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Measures of circumstantial power: influences and bribes. First Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory. Page: 32. Maastricht, the Netherlands. From 24/06/2005 to 26/06/2005.
J. Freixas, W. Zwicker. Anonymous voting games with abstention. Fourth International Conference on Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice. Page: 10. Caen, France. From 22/06/2005 to 24/06/2005.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. An analysis of linear games with consensus. VI Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Practice. Pages: 30-31. Elx, Spain. From 12/07/2004 to 14/07/2004.
J. Freixas, W. Zwicker. Anonymous voting games with multiple levels of approval. Second World Congress of the Game Theory Society. Page: 350. Marseilles, France. From 05/07/2004 to 09/07/2004.
J. Freixas. La posibilidad de simplificación en los sistemas de votación para la Unión Europea. XXVII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Pages: 3273–3277. Lleida, Spain. From 08/04/2003 to 11/04/2003.
J. Freixas, W. Zwicker. Further thoughts on weighted voting, abstention, and multiple levels of approval. Workshop on Voting Power Analysis. Pages: 13-14. London, England, UK. From 09/08/2002 to 11/08/2002.
J. Freixas, W. Zwicker. Weighted voting, abstention, and multiple levels of approval. Modelling the European Decision-Making. Pages: 26-27. Donostia, Spain. From 12/07/2002 to 14/07/2002.
X. Brunat, J. Freixas, A. Magaña, M. Maureso, X. Muñoz, E.Nart, C. Padró. Puntuación en competiciones con diversos jueces. Grupos de Estudio de Matemática y Tecnología Barcelona 2002. Pages: 37-41. Barcelona, Spain. From 03/07/2002 to 05/07/2002.
J. Freixas, W. Zwicker. Structure of voting simple games with several levels of approval. Fifth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and European Voting Games. Pages: 121-122. Sevilla, Spain. From 01/07/2002 to 03/07/2002.
J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. Dimension of complete games with minimum. Fifth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and European Voting Games. Pages: 118-119. Sevilla, Spain. From 01/07/2002 to 03/07/2002.
J. Freixas, W. Zwicker. Weighted voting, abstention, and multiple levels of approval. Conference on Logic and Games. Pages: 22-23. New York, USA. From 14/06/2002 to 15/06/2002.
J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. Concepto y cálculo de la dimensión en sistemas de votación. Congreso de la Real Sociedad Española de Matemáticas. Pages: 21-22. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain. From 27/01/2002 to 01/02/2002.
J. Freixas, W. Zwicker. Minimal integer pseudoweightings for Boolean functions. Miami 2001 Annual Meeting Cluster: Data Mining. Page: 8. Miami, USA. From 04/11/2001 to 07/11/2001.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. Coalition commitments in weighted majority games. Convegno Annuale dell’AMASES (Associazione per la Matematica Applicata alle Scienceze Economiche e Sociali). Pages: 317-321. Padenghe sul Garda, Italy. From 06/09/2000 to 09/09/2000.
J. Freixas, W. Zwicker. The minimum PSA pseudoweighting representation of a linear game. The First World Congress of the Game Theory Society. Pages: 1-45. Bilbao, Spain. From 24/07/2000 to 28/07/2000.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. Dimensión de los juegos completos con mínimo. Fourth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory, Game Practice II and Eighth Summer Meeting on Game Theory. Pages: 63-64. Valencia, Spain. From 19/07/2000 to 21/07/2000.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. Semivalue versatility and applications. Fourth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory, Game Practice II and Eighth Summer Meeting on Game Theory. Pages: 61-62. Valencia, Spain. From 19/07/2000 to 21/07/2000.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. Restricción de los semivalores sobre juegos simples. XXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Pages: 773-774. Vigo, Spain. From 04/04/2000 to 07/04/2000.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. Juegos ponderados con consenso. XXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Pages: 765-766. Vigo, Spain. From 04/04/2000 to 07/04/2000.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. Acuerdos no coalicionales en juegos de mayoría ponderada. XXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Pages: 763-764. Vigo, Spain. From 04/04/2000 to 07/04/2000.
J. Freixas, F. Carreras. Semivalues and conflictivity games. XIII Conference on Game Theory and Applications. Pages: 20-22. Bologna, Italy. From 04/06/1999 to 05/06/1999.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. Some theoretical reasons for using (regular) semivalues. International Conference Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice. Pages: 145-154. Oisterwijk, the Netherlands. From 13/05/1999 to 16/05/1999.
J. Freixas, S. Gómez, F. Mallor, M.A. Puente. Dimensión de composición de juegos individualistas vía unanimidad y composición de juegos de unanimidad vía individualismo. XXIV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Pages: 781-782. Almería, Spain. From 20/10/1998 to 23/10/1998.
J. Freixas, G. Gambarelli. Intervali di variabilità per indici di potere. Conference on Logistics, Transportation and Quality. Pages: 131-133. Treviso, Italy. From 23/09/1998 to 25/09/1998.
J. Freixas, G. Gambarelli. Range of power indices. Twelve Italyn Congress of Game Theory and Applications. Pages: 34-35. Genoa, Italy. From 26/06/1998 to 27/06/1998.
J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. Postulados para índices de poder basados en contribuciones marginales. Third Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Applications. Page: 57. Barcelona, Spain. From 15/06/1998 to 17/06/1998.
J. Freixas, G. Gambarelli. Range of power indices. Third Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Applications. Pages: 28. Barcelona, Spain. From 15/06/1998 to 17/06/1998.
J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. Sistemas de decisión: aplicaciones. Fórum de investigación y desarrollo. Manresa 1997. Pages: 37-38. Manresa, Spain. From 26/06/1997 to 26/06/1997.
J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. Tolerancia. XXIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Pages: 31-32. Valencia, Spain. From 17/03/1997 to 17/03/1997.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. Characteristic invariants of complete simple games. International Workshop on Game Theory and Politics and Second Spanish Meeting. Pages: 27-28. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. From 02/07/1996 to 05/07/1996.
J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. Complete games with minimum. International Workshop on Game Theory and Politics and Second Spanish Meeting. Pages: 34–35. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. From 02/07/1996 to 05/07/1996.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. Linearly ordered simple games. Tenth Italian Meeting on Game Theory. Pages: 19-20. Bergamo, Italy. From 03/03/1996 to 05/03/1996.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. Semivalues and marginal contributions. XX Simposio de Análisis Económico. Bellaterra, Spain. From 13/12/1995 to 15/12/1995.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. Semivalores y contribuciones marginales. XXII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Pages: 419-420. Sevilla, Spain. From 14/11/1995 to 17/11/1995.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. Extensión de los juegos de mayoría ponderada. I Congreso en Teoría de Juegos. Pages: 64-65. Bilbo, Spain. From 14/09/1994 to 16/09/1994.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. Clases y juegos de mayoría ponderada. XXI Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Pages: 264-265. Calella, Spain. From 18/04/1994 to 21/04/1994.