Book Chapters
J. Freixas. On appropriate ordered weighted averages for the aggregation of scores under uncertainty. Book of abstracts of EUSFLAT2023-AGOP2023: 13th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology and 12th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators. Pages 80-81. Palma de Mallorca. From 04/09/2023 to 08/09/2023. ISBN: 978-84-09-52808-0.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. All power structures are achievable in basic weighted games, pages 141-155 in Chapter 9 of the book: Advances in Collective Decision Making: Interdisciplicary Perspectives for the 21st Century (Studies in Choice and Welfare), 404 pages. Edited by: S. Kurz, N. Maaser and A. Mayer. Springer International Publishing AG, 1st edition (9 April 2023). ISBN-13: 978-3031216954. ISBN-10: 3031216954.
J. Freixas and M. Pons. A mathematical perspective on how test-type exams are evaluated. Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Applied Mathematics, APLIMAT 2020. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Pages 448-458. Editors: D. Szarková, D. Richtáriková, M. Prásilová. From: 04/02/2020 to 06/02/2020. ISBN 978-80-227-4983-1
J. Freixas. A value for j-cooperative games: some theoretical aspects and applications. Chapter 14, 282-311. In: Handbook of the Shapley value, 576 pages. Edited by: Algaba, E., Fragnelli, V., Sanchez-Soriano J. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA. 2019. ISBN 9780815374688 (DOI 10.1201/978135124410)
J. Freixas and M. Pons. How to extend and characterize simple majority rule when several degrees of support are allowed to voters? XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. XI Jornadas de Estadística Pública. Pages: 124-125. Oviedo. From 29/05/2018 to 01/06/2018. ISBN 978-84-16664-98-6
J. Freixas and M. Pons. Enumerating anonymous voting systems. XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. XI Jornadas de Estadística Pública. Pages: 188. Oviedo. From 29/05/2018 to 01/06/2018. ISBN 978-84-16664-98-6
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Components with higher and lower risk in a reliability system, Edited by M. Guillén, Ángel A. Juan, H. Ramalhinho, I. Serra, C. Serrat. Current topics on risk analysis. Cuadernos de la fundación Mapfre C/205, Madrid. Pages 319-327. 2015. ISBN: 978-84-9844-496-4
J. Freixas, M. Pons. The representativeness reliability importance measure. Latest Trends on Systems, Vol. I. Edited by N. Mastorakis, K. Psarris, G. Vachtsevanos, P. Dondon, V. Mladenov, A. Bulucea, I. Rudas, O. Martin. Series: Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering Series, 37. Pages 52-56. Santorini, Greece, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-61804-243-9 (Vol. 1).
J. Freixas, M. Pons. The representativeness reliability importance measure. Latest Trends on Systems, Vol. I. Edited by N. Mastorakis, K. Psarris, G. Vachtsevanos, P. Dondon, V. Mladenov, A. Bulucea, I. Rudas, O. Martin. Series: Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering Series, 37. Pages 52-56. Santorini, Greece, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-61804-243-9 (Vol. 1).
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Circumstantial power: some hints for finding optimal persuadable or bribable voters. Power, Voting, and Voting Power: 30 Years After. Pages: 315-329. Edited by M.J.Holler and H. Nurmi. Edited by Physica Verlag Springer; Berlin-Heidelberg; Germany, 2013. ISBN: 978-3-642-35928-6, and 978-3-642-35929-3 (eBook)
J. Freixas. Power indices. En: Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 22 páginas. 2011. Edited by Springer. ISBN: 978-0-470-40053-1.
J. Freixas, D. Marciniak. On the notion of dimension and codimension of simple games. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, Volume 3: 67–81. 2010. Edited by Graduate School of Management of Saint Petersburg, Russia. ISBN: 978-5-9924-0052-6.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. Detection of paradoxes of power indices for simple games. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, Volume 3: 82–90. 2010. Edited by Graduate School of Management of Saint Petersburg, Russia. ISBN: 978-5-9924-0052-6.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Some hints on finding the most important components in a system. Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2008: 845–850. 2010. Edited by Springer, London, Great Britain. ISBN: 978-3-642-12109-8.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. Maximum tolerance and maximum greatest tolerance. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 1, 511–514. 2010 Edited by Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC), Portugal. ISBN:978-989-674-021-4.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. On the generalized decisiveness of decisive symmetric games. CD Trabajos completos XXXII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y VI Jornadas de Estadística Pública, pdf 369. 2010. Edited by J. Costa, R.Fernández, M.A. Presedo, J.M. Vilar. ISBN: 978-84-693-6152-8.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. Weightedness for simple games with less than 9 voters. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, Volumen 2, 63–71. 2009 Edited by: Graduate School of Management; Saint Petersburg, Russia. ISBN:978-5-9924-0020-5.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Hierarchies in voting simple games. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, Volumen 2, 72–80. 2009 Edited by Graduate School of Management; Saint Petersburg, Russia. ISBN: 978-5-9924-0020-5.
J. Freixas, D. Marciniak. Minimum dimension and codimension for simple Games. CD Trabajos completos XXXI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y V Jornadas de Estadística Pública, 1–8. 2009 Edited by Universidad de Murcia. ISBN:978-84-691-8159-1.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. Weighted integer realizations for linear simple games with two types of voters. International Workshop on Operational Research IWOR- 2008, 127–127 2008 Edited by: Publicarya; Móstoles. ISBN:978-84-691-3994-3.
J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. Structural importance measures for complete expansion of k-out-of-n systems. Trabajos completos del XXX Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y IV Jornadas de Estadística Pública, 1-9. 2008 Edited by Universidad de Valladolid. ISBN:978-84-690-7249-3.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. Some tests to count paradoxes of power indices. Trabajos completos del XXX Congreso Nacional de Estadística e investigación Operativa y IV Jornadas de Estadística Pública, 1–9. 2008 Edited by Universidad de Valladolid. ISBN:978-84-690-7249-3.
J. Freixas, X. Molinero. The donation paradox of power indices: Classification and counting. Actas III Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory and VII Spanish Meeting on Game Theory, 66–66. 2007 Edited by: Publicarya; Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-690-6824-3.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas y M.A. Puente. On the convenience of keeping the components reliability at a level greater than one half. Safety and Reliability for Managing Risk, 1577–1581. 2006 Edited by: Taylor and Francis; Lisboa; Portugal. ISBN: 0-415-41620-5.
J. Freixas, M. Pons y M.A. Puente. Algunas aportaciones de la teoría de juegos. Jornada de Investigación en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería de Manresa, 31–32. 2006 Edited by: Remsa, S.L.; Manresa. ISBN: 978-84-86784-05-8.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas y M.A. Puente. On the convenience of keeping components at a level greater than one half. CD Trabajos completos XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 948–960. 2006 Edited by Universidad de la Laguna; Puerto de la Cruz. ISBN: 84-689-8552-X.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. On the election of optimal persuadable voters. CD Trabajos completos XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 962–971. 2006 Edited by: Universidad de la Laguna; Puerto de la Cruz. ISBN: 84-689-8552-X.
J. Freixas, M. Pons. Circumstantial power: optimal persuasion and bribes. Power Measures III. Edited by G. Gambarelli and M.J.Holler; Volumen 3, 569-588. 2005 Edited by: AccedoVerlag; München; Germany. ISBN:3-89265-060-8.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. On the reliability of self-dual k-out-of-n systems. I Congresso de Estatistica e Investigaçao Operacional da Galiza e Norte de Portugal, 1–6. 2005 Edited by: Universidade do Minho; Guimaraes; Portugal.ISBN: 972-99841-0-7.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. An analysis of linear games with consensus. Proceedings of the VI Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Practice, 30–31. 2004 Edited by: Club Universitario; Elche. ISBN: 84-8454-359-5.
J. Freixas. La posibilidad de simplificación en los sistemas de votación para la Unión Europea. CD de Trabajos Completos del XXVII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 3273–3277. 2003. Edited by Ediciones de la Universitat de Lleida. ISBN: 84-8409-955-5.
J. M. Brunat, J. Freixas, A, Magaña, M. Maureso, X. Muñoz, E. Nart y C. Padró. Puntuación en competiciones con diversos jueces. Proceedings of “Grupos de Estudio de Matemática y Tecnología Barcelona 2002”, 37–41. 2002. Edited by: Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística (UPC); Barcelona. ISBN: 84-688-1493-8.
J. Freixas, W. Zwicker. Structure of voting simple games with several levels of approval. Book of abstracts of the Fifth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Applications, 121–122. 2002. Edited by Secretariado de Publicaciones Universidad de Sevilla. ISBN: 84-472-0733-1.
J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. Dimension of complete simple games with minimum. Book of abstracts of the Fifth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Applications, 118–119. 2002. Edited by Secretariado de Publicaciones Universidad de Sevilla. ISBN: 84-472-0733-1.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. Acuerdos no coalicionales en juegos de mayoría ponderada. XXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 763–764. 2000. Edited by Servicio de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo. ISBN: 84-8158-152-6.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. Juegos ponderados con consenso. XXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 765–766. 2000. Edited by Servicio de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo. ISBN: 84-8158-152-6.
J. Freixas, M.A. Puente. Restricción de los semivalores sobre juegos simples. XXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 773–774. 2000. Edited by Servicio de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo. ISBN: 84-8158-152-6.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. Coalition commitments in weighted majority games. Complete works presented at the AMASES 2000 Conference, Volumee 2: 1–17. 2000. Edited by Associazione per la Matematica Applicata alle Scienze Economiche e Sociali, Padengue sul Garda; Italy.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. Some theoretical reasons for using (regular) semivalues. Proceedings of the International Conference Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice, 140–154. 1999. Edited by Tilburg University Press, Oisterwijk, the Netherlands. ISBN: 90-361-9959-X.
J. Freixas, M. A. Puente. Sistemas de decisión: aplicaciones. Fórum de investigación y desarrollo en la EUPM, 37–38. 1997. Edited by Remsa SL. ISBN: 84-88894-18-X.
F. Carreras, J. Freixas. Semivalores y contribuciones marginales. XXII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 419–420. 1995. Edited by Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla. ISBN: 84-87215-46-7.